Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thing #16 Week #7

Wikis- I discovered wikis last year and thought that the name was strange to say the least. I have a pbwiki account that I use periodically (but I prefer diigo) which allowes you to highlight items on a website.
I viewed a couple of the wiki spaces that were suggeseted :Library Bloggers Wiki, CSLA Conference 2007 wiki, Book Lovers Wiki, and SJCPL Subject Guides. They were all great for the purpose that they were created. I liked that some of them allowed you to subscribe to their RSS feed.
The thing that I like about wikis is that they are public so if you want to post information that you'd like to share with others it's easy. I have attended 2 conferences where the presenter did not print any papers out. They only presented off of their wiki and gave everyone the link. This is a grand idea in a world that is turning "green". What a way to save paper!
What I don't particularly care for is that anyone can change or add to a wiki. For the most part, I think everyone respects others wikis, but you never know. It's that unknown vulnerability that I don't like.

1 comment:

ESC1 said...

You could lock a page so that others do not alter it, or you could moderate all posts on a wiki. The downside is that moderation takes time.