Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing #22 Week#9

I checked out the "fair" site and saw the endless list of books available. E-books are so interesting to me. People don't even have to step into a library to read a good book. I think that I would have liked this option in college.
I love e-books and audio e-books, and have been using these sorts of sites for a while. My favorite kind of e-books are the audio ones. Many of these are children's books, but I enjoy the sites for my sons. Tumble books is a great site (you need an account for it). The local library here has a subscription and as long as you log in through their site- you have access to audio books on line. The books are read aloud, and the book is shown page by page. Isn't that awesome! This brings the era of book on tape/cd to an end for me. If more teachers were aware of how easy it is to access e-books online, I think they would be more willing to try them.

1 comment:

Latte said...

I like to listen to Playaways and audiobooks, but I really haven't usede e-books. I look forward to getting to thing #22.